Ecological MHD Buses Gas is being pumped from the new station
A CNG filling station for 24 buses was put into operation by Dopravní podnik České Budějovice (DPMČB, Public Transit of České Budějovice). Continue reading

MOTOR JIKOV developed a new CNG filling station
May 2017 – The MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská a.s. portfolio of compressed natural gas (CNG) filling stations now includes the new MJ Compact 60. Continue reading

The Octavia G-Tec running on CNG is more ecological than the Tesla Model S electric car
May 2017 – According to testing by the German ADAC auto club, the Škoda Octavia G-Tec running on compressed natural gas vehicle is more environmentally friendly than the acclaimed electric Tesla Model S, for example. Continue reading

Buses in Romania run on CNG thanks to MOTOR JIKOV
April 2017 – In early April, the MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská a.s. company completed installation of a CNG filling technology type MJ Variant 4K – 1120 l in Bucharest – Bragadiru for the bus company S.C. COMANTO 94 S.R.L.. Continue reading