December 2015 – MJ Variant 2K–840 CNG refuelling technology was commissioned for intercompany use by PERI Slovakia, a Slovakian company from Senec at the beginning of November.
The station was installed in cooperation with SEOL s.r.o., their Slovak partner company from Košice and is situated in the premises of the PERI company in the city of Senec, Slovakia. “The station is for filling LINDE fork lift trucks. It’s a refuelling facility with two MJ Compact 05 compressors with a total output of 10 m3/h and a 840 l high-pressure storage tank,“ said Karol Suchár, the CNG sales specialist from MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská when described the appliance.
PERI s.r.o. is an important producer of falsework and scaffolding in Slovakia and belongs to the same multinational PERI Group as the Czech branch in Jesenice u Prahy does, where CNG refuelling stations for fork lift trucks have been successfully in operation for the third year. The multinational activities, cooperation and the sharing of best practice has been fully implemented in practice here.
MOTOR JIKOV’s refuelling stations are already well-known by our eastern neighbours. The company has already installed fourteen MJ Compact 05 stations for direct filling in various Slovak cities. Further installation of two CNG refuelling stations of MJ Compact Plus type is planned for next year in cooperation with SEOL s.r.o..