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MOTOR JIKOV CNG > PRESS RELEASES > First installation of MJ Variant CNG refueling technology in Slovenia
First installation of MJ Variant CNG refueling technology in Slovenia

October 2015 – The MJ Variant 1K – 560l CNG refueling technology was commissioned for intercompany use by DOMPLAN, the Slovenian company, one of the most important natural gas distributors in Slovenia. The filling station is situated in the company premises in the city of Kranj, where it will serve for refueling VW Caddy service vehicles.
Implementation of such technology is a mutual project of MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská and its Slovenian partner, the OMEGA AIR company.

The MJ Variant 1k-560l filling station is a product of MOTOR JIKOV Strojírenská and consists of the MJ Compact 05 refuelling appliance with an output of 5m³/h and a 560 l high-pressure storage tank.

After installing 7 MJ Compact 05 refuelling stations for slow filling in various Slovenian cities, this has been another step of our company to break into the Slovenian market and to improve the environment north of Ljubljana.

Installation of another similar technology has been planned for next year on the premises of the OMEGA AIR partner company in Ljubljana.